You are here > Industry & Media > A BID For The Isles of Scilly
Earlier this year, the Islands’ Partnership (IP) sought the views of the business community regarding the possibility of setting up a Business Improvement District (BID) for the Isles of Scilly.
The IP with specialist consultants carried out a feasibility study period spanning over 6 months, which included an extensive survey of IP members, the wider business community and the IP’s strategic partners. The study has concluded, that as it stands, a BID model would not be suitable for Scilly. Therefore, we will not be pursuing a BID for the islands.
Whilst this study does not conclude likely BID voting outcomes, the survey results and associated ratings data indicate that there is a high chance of the BID not being supported should it proceed to ballot. In addition, because the business rates funding base is very narrow and too many key parties are not represented in this under a BID’s rules; the economics of a BID for Scilly do not stack up.
The feasibility study has provided us with some incredibly useful data and recommendations. This will be used to help shape the current IP business model to ensure we continue to prosper as a first-rate destination management and marketing organisation.
A summary report from the feasibility study can be read here.
We would like to thank the Council of the Isles of Scilly for supporting this important economic consultation and the business community on Scilly for their feedback and contribution to the BID feasibility study. This will certainly play a part in the next chapter of the IP.
If you have any questions regarding the BID feasibility study or the IP in general, please get in touch with us by emailing or by calling the office on 01720 620601.
Kind regards,
A Euan Rodger
Executive Vice Chair
Islands’ Partnership
© Islands' Partnership